Material Issues and Related SDGs

These 12 material issues have been categorized into five areas, including safety / ship quality management, advancement of environmental technologies, digital transformation, and human resources—the four pillars of our functional strategy for a solid business foundation to realize the business strategies set forth in our medium-term management plan—and management base, which serves as the foundation of the four pillars. The Group positions materiality as a set of key issues to be addressed in order to realize its corporate principle and vision, contribute to solutions for social issues, and achieve sustained growth and improve corporate value under the medium-term management plan.


Material Issues (Actions for resolving social issues)

Related SDGs

Management base

Respect for human rights

sdgs05e sdgs08e sdgs10e

Reinforcement of corporate governance

sdgs16e sdgs17e

Promotion and reinforcement of compliance


Safety/Ship quality management

Promotion of safety in navigation and cargo operations

sdgs07e sdgs13e sdgs14e

Advancement of environmental


“K” LINE low-carbon and carbon-free transition

sdgs07e sdgs09e sdgs11e sdgs12e sdgs13e sdgs17e

Supporting the development of a low-carbon and carbon-free society

sdgs07e sdgs09e sdgs11e sdgs13e sdgs17e

Reducing “K” LINE’s impact on the sea and air to zero

sdgs03e sdgs11e sdgs12e sdgs14e sdgs15e sdgs17e

Promotion of innovation

Digital transformation

sdgs07e sdgs09e sdgs11e sdgs12e sdgs13e sdgs14e sdgs15e sdgs17e

Reinforcement of response to digital transformation (DX)

sdgs07e sdgs08e sdgs09e sdgs12e sdgs13e sdgs14e sdgs15e sdgs17e

Human resources

Diversity & inclusion

sdgs05e sdgs08e sdgs10e

Shaping of working environment and promotion of health management

sdgs03e sdgs05e sdgs08e sdgs10e

The securing & development of human resources

sdgs05e sdgs08e

Connection between Materiality and Corporate Principle, Vision, and Medium-Term Management Plan

“K” LINE’s materiality is positioned as key issues to address in order to realize its corporate principle and vision based on the medium-term management plan, achieve sustainable growth, enhance corporate value, and contribute to social issues. 
Namely, we aim to ensure the sustainability of the “K” LINE Group, society, and the environment.

Figure of Connection between Materiality and Corporate Principle, Vision, and Medium-Term Management Plan.

Process to Identify Materiality

When identifying materialities, the Group referred to various sources of guidance related primarily to corporate social responsibility (CSR), including ISO 26000 and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. While considering Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other social issues, we analyzed and evaluated materiality from the two perspectives of importance to the Company (importance from a business perspective)
and importance to society (importance from a stakeholder perspective), in addition to factors such as their alignment with our business strategy and their impact on value creation.

Figure of Process to Identify Materiality

Steps for Analyzing Materiality


Create a list of social issues

  • Create a list of social issues with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (extensive list of 115 items in total)
  • Narrow down the list of social issues, taking into consideration their relevance to the Company’s businesses and their uniqueness to the maritime industry (short list of 50 items in total)

Evaluate the social issues(on their importance to the Company and their importance to society)

  • From the following perspectives, evaluate the importance of the 50 social issues shortlisted in Step 1:
    • Importance to the Company
      We evaluated the impact of each social issue on the Company’s corporate value from the perspective of risks and opportunities. We also administered a survey to our Group executives and employees to gather their opinions on social issues to be addressed by the Group on a priority basis.
    • Importance to society
      We analyzed the impact of each social issue on key stakeholders of the Group (customers, investors, employees, local communities, and global society) from the standpoint of each stakeholder.

Identify materiality

  • In Step 2, we positioned items of high importance to both the Company and its stakeholders as social issues that have a high impact on the Company’s corporate value. These have been further consolidated into a total of 12 actions for resolving social issues in order to create a materiality proposal.
  • A dialogue is held between outside experts and the Company’s management to exchange opinions on the materiality proposal.
  • The materiality proposal is finalized based on the aforementioned dialogue. This proposal is then discussed by the Corporate Sustainability Management Committee, and a final decision is made at the Management Conference, after which it is reported to the Board of Directors.

KPIs Related to Material Issues

Material Issues



Medium- to Long-term Targets

Achievement Status in FY2023

FY2024 Targets

Respect for human rights

Raising supplier awareness

Percentage of supplier surveys conducted

Covering the top 80% of transaction value by 2026

Not implemented

Covering the top 50% of transaction value

Raising internal awareness

Percentage of participants taking e-learning courses on human rights

Overall participation rate:100%

Participation rate: in-house: 89.2%,

Group companies in Japan: 86.4%,

Group companies overseas: 93.1%

Overall participation rate:90% or higher

Reinforcement of corporate governance

Principles of CG Code

Compliance ratio of CG Code principles required for listed companies on Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange

Continues 100% compliance

Continued 100% compliance

Continues 100% compliance

Board of directors effectiveness

Implementation and disclosure of the board of directors effectiveness evaluation

Ongoing implementation on an annual basis

Conducted effectiveness evaluation by questionnaire method and released the results to the press

Conducting effectiveness evaluation through interviews

Board of directors effectiveness

Periodic review of issues set out in the board of directors effectiveness evaluation

Ongoing quarterly reviews and feedback to the Board of Directors

Conducted 4 reviews (July and October 2023, February and April 2024)

Conduct quarterly reviews and provide feedback to the Board of Directors

Promotion and reinforcement of compliance

Result indicators

Number of serious compliance violations

0 cases

0 cases

0 cases

Raising internal awareness

Percentage of participants attending compliance training

Overall participation rate:100%

Achieved 90% or more

Overall participation rate:90% or higher

Promotion of safety in navigation and cargo operations


Serious maritime accidents

0 cases

0 cases

0 cases


Delay time due to

mechanical failure

10h per vessel p.a.

5.92h per vessel p.a.

10h per vessel p.a.

“K” LINE low-carbon and carbon-free transition

Result indicators

CO2 emission efficiency (vs2008)

50% reduction by 2030

Improved by 44%

Proceed with initiatives based on medium- to long-term targets

Total CO2 emission volume (vs 2008)

Achieve net zero by 2050

Reduced by 52%



Number of LNG-fueled vessels introduced

2030: 35, 2040: 35, 2050:10

3 vessels

Number of ammonia- /

hydrogen-fueled vessels introduced


0 vessels

Supporting the development of a low-carbon and carbon-free society

Environmental preservation activities

Number of forest conservation activities conducted

Once per year

Once per year

Once per year

Reducing “K” LINE’s impact on the sea and air to zero

Marine pollouion

Oil spill accidents

0 cases

0 cases

0 cases

Reduce impact

Installation of ballast water

treatment systems

100% by June 2024



Promotion of innovation

Introduction of new state-of-the-art vessels

EEDI regulation values for new vessels ordered by the end of the year

EEDI Phase 3 and more


Aim to achieve 100% of EEDI Phase 3 or higher for new vessels ordered by the end of the year.

Wind power and others

Instllation of "Seawing"

2030: 50 vessels

0 vessels

Proceed with initiatives based on medium- to long-term targets

Operation efficiency

Installation of Kawasaki

Integrated Maritime Solutions to owned / medium- to long term charter vessels



Reinforcement of response to digital transformation (DX)

Humen resource development

Number of certified DX utilizers

100 personnel by the end of FY2025

Started during the period

40 personnnel

Diversity & inclusion


Female employees comprising of

managerial positions


(by FY2026)



Recruitment format

Ratio of mid-career hires among managers




Ratio of mid-career hires among employees

in service




Shaping of working environment and promotion of health management


Average monthly overtime working hours

Within 40 hours*



Flexible workstyle

Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave




Mental well-being

Stress check examination rate


92.1%(Onshore Personnel)/



The securing & development of human resources

Recruitment format

Ratio of mid-career hires among managers




Ratio of mid-career hires among employees

in service




Humen resource development

Training cost per employee(Onshore personnel)


171 thousand yen

199 thousand yen

*As of April 1, 2022, the target was set in the Action Plan to Promote the Active Participation of Women and Support the Development of the Next Generation Children, but has been achieved ahead of schedule. Currently considering setting targets for FY2025 and beyond.