Participation in External Initiatives

“K” LINE aims to strengthen its sustainability efforts by deepening its partnerships with various institutions, companies, and organizations by participating in external initiatives.

United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a voluntary initiative in which companies and organizations act as good members of society and participate in the creation of a global framework for sustainable growth by demonstrating responsible and creative leadership. The signatory companies and organizations are required to support and practice the Ten Principles of the UNGC in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
“K” LINE endorses this initiative and has been a participant since April 2020. We are also a member of the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), and actively participate in its subcommittees in which member companies and organizations engage in theme-based discussions and information exchanges on how to proceed with relevant efforts.

GX League

The GX (Green Transformation) League Basic Concept, announced by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in February 2022, is a platform for supporting companies in collaborating with industry, government, and academia to discuss visions for a sustainable future, market creation and rule-making, and voluntary emissions trading with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality and social change by 2050. “K” LINE has participated as an endorsing company since 2022 and will continue to hold discussions and pilot initiatives in collaboration with other companies. text only)

TCFD Consortium

The TCFD Consortium was established as a platform for companies that endorse the recommendations by Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to discuss effective information disclosure and initiatives for linking disclosed information to facilitate appropriate investment decisions by financial and other institutions.

Japan Climate Initiative

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a network established in July 2018 with the aim of improving the dissemination of ideas and exchange of opinions among corporations, municipalities, NGOs, and other institutions that are actively working to implement climate change countermeasures. “K” LINE has participated in the initiative since 2020 and is working together with participating members to achieve the target of net-zero emissions.

Getting to Zero Coalition

The Getting to Zero Coalition is a business alliance established with the aim of promoting decarbonization in the maritime industry and comprises key stakeholders from across the maritime sector, including shippers, ship classification societies, financial institutions, and shipbuilders. The Company has been a member since 2019, and the organization has set a goal to realize zero-emissions fuel operations for vessels on a commercial basis by 2030 in order to meet the 2050 target of zero GHG emissions.

Plastics Smart

The Ministry of the Environment has launched a campaign called Plastics Smart–for Sustainable Oceans to encourage a wide range of entities, including individuals, municipalities, NGOs, corporations, and research institutions, to work together to solve the problem of plastics in the world’s oceans. The Company participates in this initiative through efforts such as collecting and recycling plastic bottle caps and conducting joint research on microplastics with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. text only)

Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation

This is a compilation of future-oriented policies and concrete examples of initiatives submitted by companies and organizations that endorse the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren, a declaration formulated by Keidanren (the Japanese Business Federation) and the Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation. The Company has endorsed this initiative since 2020 and will continue to promote efforts to conserve biodiversity under the guidelines set forth in the “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050.

Challenge Zero

Challenge Zero is an initiative in which Keidanren works in partnership with the Japanese government to strongly communicate both within Japan and overseas the innovative initiatives that companies and organizations are pursuing to realize a carbon-free society. The initiative also encourages collaboration among industry, academia, and government to attract ESG investment and spur innovation. Since endorsing the initiative in June 2020, the Company has announced several specific initiatives such as demonstration tests of Seawing, an automatic kite system that uses natural energy, and a liquefied hydrogen carrier.

TNFD Forum

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is an international initiative that aims to create an appropriate evaluation and disclosure framework for risks and opportunities related to natural capital and biodiversity. 
The TNFD Forum is a gathering of stakeholders, composing companies, financial institutions, and research organizations, that have organized for the purpose of advancing discussions and the creation of frameworks for the TNFD. 
“K” LINE has been a member of this consortium since October 2023, and is taking initiatives to preserve the environment and proactively disclose information.