As of December 31, 2024

“K” LINE Group Composition of Fleet

Type of Vessel No. DWT(MT)
Dry Bulk 180 22,827,909
Tankers 13 2,336,919
LNG Carriers 46 3,789,996
Thermal Coal Carriers 24 2,153,525
Drillship 1 -
FPSO 2 -
Geo-Survey Vessel 1 3,587
Liquefied CO2 Carriers 2 20,359
LNG Bunkering Vessel 1 2,431
Car Carriers 97 1,644,143
Containerships 40 3,721,202
Short Sea and Coastal ships 41 381,852
Total 448 36,881,923
     *   The number of owned vessels includes co-owned vessels, and deadweight tonnage includes share of other companies' ownership in co-owned vessels.
  * Includes flagships and spot and/or short term activities at the end of term.