“K” LINE is developing and strengthening its corporate governance and risk management structures to fulfill its social responsibility and its commitment to its shareholders and stakeholders, and to achieve sustainable growth. While thoroughly enforcing its corporate ethics across the entire Group, “K” LINE will continue developing an organic and effective governance framework, strengthening its earning and financial structures, and enhancing its corporate value.
Under the “Japan’s Corporate Governance Code” formulated by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., we are enhancing our corporate governance structure and formulating Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE GUIDELINES to clarify our approach and management policy.
In line of our Corporate Governance Guidelines, the Criteria for Independence of outside directors is prescribed as below:
For details of its corporate governance, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange where the Company’s stock is listed.
Corporate Governance Report (801KB)
( November 29, 2024 )
The Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board construct, apply, and monitor the corporate governance system, and several committees and other offices contribute to enhancing the system.

“K” LINE has promoted the active development of its governance structure by connecting the sustainable increase of corporate value with corporate governance reform, such as the appointment of several people as outside directors in 2009. We will continue to enhance internal discussions regarding the governance structure and steadily deepen governance reforms.
The Board of Directors is responsible for determining basic management policies, matters stipulated by law, and other important business matters, while also supervising the execution of duties by directors. The Board convenes at least once a month. Of the eight directors, five are outside directors, four of whom are independent outside directors. Audit & Supervisory Board members also attend the Board of Directors’ meetings.
Attended / Held |
Yukikazu Myochin (Chairperson of the Board) |
19/19 |
Atsuo Asano |
19/19 |
Yukio Toriyama |
19/19 |
Kazuhiko Harigai |
19/19 |
Keiji Yamada |
19/19 |
Ryuhei Uchida |
19/19 |
Kozue Shiga |
19/19 |
Koji Kotaka *1 |
14/14 |
Hiroyuki Maki *1 |
14/14 |
Yasunari Sonobe *2 |
5/5 |
Tsuyoshi Kameoka *2 |
5/5 |
Kunihiko Arai |
19/19 |
Makoto Arai *1 |
14/14 |
Atsumi Harasawa |
19/19 |
Shinsuke Kubo |
18/19 |
Yutaka Akutagawa *2 |
5/5 |
*1 Appointed on June 2023
*2 Retired on June 2023
- Long-Term Management Vision and Medium-Term Management Plan
Capital Policy (Business Investment Plan/Shareholders Return Policy, etc.)
Business Strategy (Businesses that play a leading role in growth/Expansion of new business domains, etc)
Functional strategy(Human resources/Organization, Digital Transformation, etc.)
Corporate governance (Board Evaluation/Officer’s Remuneration, Composition of the Board, etc.)
Group governance
To achieve the medium-term management plan, the Company’s Board of Directors shall consist of a variety of individuals, including those with experience in managing corporations and other large organizations and those with expertise in the operational, technical, financial, and other aspects of the shipping industry. This is to ensure constructive discussions and supervision based on diverse backgrounds and knowledge. The Company shall give extra consideration to such diversity when selecting candidates for directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members.
Please see the skill matrix below for a list of the expertise and knowledge of each director.
Expertise and experience |
Corporate Management & Strategy |
Legal & Risk Management |
Finance & Accounting |
Human Resources & Labor |
Safety & Quality |
Environment & Technology |
Global |
Sales & Marketing |
Yukikazu Myochin |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Kazuhiko Harigai |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Noriaki Yamaga |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Keiji Yamada |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Ryuhei Uchida |
● |
● |
● |
Koji Kotaka |
● |
● |
● |
Hiroyuki Maki |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
● |
Takako Masai |
● |
● |
● |
● |
In addition to the requirements stipulated in the Companies Act, “K” LINE has established specific criteria relating to independence for the appointment of outside officers and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members for the purpose of electing them. The criteria are as follows.
As “K” LINE believes an effective corporate governance function is essential for sustainable growth and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term, the Board of Directors analyzes and evaluates the Board’s effectiveness each year, with the results disclosed in a timely and appropriate manner.
Please refer to the following for the latest results.
The Nomination Advisory Committee is composed of all independent outside directors, the chairperson of the Board, and the president & CEO, while the chairperson of the Board is appointed from among the outside directors through mutual election among themselves. The committee conducts deliberations on the reasonableness of proposals for the appointment or dismissal of the Company’s officers upon consultation with the Board of Directors.
Under Article 12 of the Group's CORPORATE GOVERNANCE GUIDELINES formulated in 2015, “the Board of Directors shall cause the Nomination Advisory Committee to deliberate on the draft version formulated each fiscal year by the incumbent president & CEO for the plan for his/her successor, receive the results of said deliberation, and confirm the reasonableness of the draft version.” At the Nomination Advisory Committee, which focuses on independent outside directors and has an independent outside director as chairperson, we strive to sustainably increase corporate value by discussing the succession plan for the next president & CEO.
The Remuneration Advisory Committee is composed of all independent outside directors, the chairperson of the Board, and the president & CEO, while the chairperson of the Board is appointed from among the outside directors through mutual election among themselves. The committee conducts deliberations on the institutional design of the officers’ remuneration system and the level of officers’ remuneration upon consultation with the Board of Directors.
The Nomination Advisory Committee and the Remuneration Advisory Committee are membered by a majority of outside directors designated as independent directors.
Nomination Advisory Committee |
Remuneration Advisory Committee |
Chairperson |
Keiji Yamada |
Chairperson |
Koji Kotaka |
Members |
Koji Kotaka, Hiroyuki Maki, Takako Masai, Yukikazu Myochin |
Members |
Keiji Yamada, Hiroyuki Maki, Takako Masai, Yukikazu Myochin |
Nomination Advisory Committee |
Remuneration Advisory Committee |
Yukikazu Myochin |
9/9 |
3/3 |
Keiji Yamada |
9/9 |
3/3 |
Kozue Shiga |
9/9 |
3/3 |
Koji Kotaka *1 |
6/6 |
1/1 |
Hiroyuki Maki *1 |
6/6 |
1/1 |
Tsuyoshi Kameoka *2 |
2/3 |
2/2 |
*1 Appointed on June 2023
*2 Retired on June 2023
Remuneration for executive directors shall be appropriate, fair, and balanced so as to reflect the Company’s medium- to long-term business performance and the latent risks borne by said executive directors and to further enhance their willingness and motivation to bring about the Company’s sustainable growth and maximize its corporate value. In addition, the remuneration for outside directors shall reflect the amount of time devoted to the Company’s business, and the responsibilities borne by them, and shall not include business performance-linked factors.
The institutional design and level of remuneration shall be deliberated on, resolved, and recommended to the Board of Directors by the Remuneration Advisory Committee pursuant to the aforementioned policies. The Board of Directors shall respect the recommendations of the Remuneration Advisory Committee, and the representative director, president & CEO shall ultimately determine the amount to be paid to each director.
The Company’s Board of Directors determines remuneration levels for executives in consideration of the recommendations of the Remuneration Advisory Committee, which deliberates the structure and level of compensation and reports its counsel to the Board. Director remuneration comprises (i) a monthly remuneration (monetary), (ii) short-term performance-based remuneration (monetary),and (iii) medium- to long-term performance-based remuneration (stock). The medium- to long-term performance-based remuneration (stock) is mainly linked to the Company’s total shareholder return (TSR) to improve effectiveness and strengthen incentives for directors to target medium- and long-term growth in corporate value, while aiming to align our values more closely to those of shareholders. An overview of the remuneration system is as follows.
Classification |
Type of remuneration |
Nature of remuneration |
Method of determination |
Maximum limit of remuneration |
Director |
① Monthly remuneration (monetary) |
Fixed remuneration |
Determined in accordance with position. |
Up to ¥800 million / year (of which ¥111 million is for outside directors) |
② Short-term performance-based remuneration (monetary) *Limited to Executive Directors |
Variable remuneration |
Linked to achievement of consolidated performance targets and individual performance evaluation in a single year. Apply negative indicator when serious maritime accident occurs. |
③ Medium- to long-term performance-based remuneration (stock) ※Limited to Executive Directors |
Linked to our medium- and long-term TSR*2 , return on equity (ROE), and ESG (Improvements in CO2 emissions efficiency) indicators*3 *2 TSR = Percentage increase in our share price over a certain period + Percentage of dividends over a certain period (Total dividends / Initial share price) *3 The composition ratio for TSR indicators: ROE indicators: ESG indicators is set at 90:5:5. |
Over the four fiscal years from FY ended March 31, 2021, up until FY ending March 31, 2024 1) Amount contributed to the trust by the Company: ¥2,400 million 2) Maximum points awarded to directors in any one fiscal year: 1,200,000 points (equivalent to 1,200,000 shares) |
Audit & Supervisory Board member |
Monthly remuneration only |
Fixed remuneration |
Determined following deliberation among Audit & Supervisory Board members |
Up to ¥12 million / month |
For information on remuneration amounts for each fiscal year, please refer to Governance Data.
The Audit & Supervisory Board formulates and implements audit policies and plans, and undertakes to conduct efficient, expeditious auditing. As an independent organ, the Audit & Supervisory Board audits the execution of duties by the directors through attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors and other important meetings and the inspection of important decision-making documents. “K” LINE assigns dedicated staff as assistants to the Audit & Supervisory Board members.
Attended / Held |
Kunihiko Arai |
14/14 |
Makoto Arai *1 |
11/11 |
Atsumi Harasawa |
14/14 |
Shinsuke Kubo |
14/14 |
*1 Appointed on June 2023
The Management Conference functions as a system to help the president & CEO and/or their representatives make decisions, through lively discussion. The conferences are held every week, attended by the chairperson of the Board of Directors, senior managing executive officers and above, unit supervising executive officers, the executive officers in charge of corporate planning, finance, and accounting, and members of the Audit & Supervisory Board.
Executive Officers’ Meetings are held once a month in principle, attended by all executive officers, including those concurrently serving as directors, and Audit & Supervisory Board members, where progress of business executions (including monthly performance) and decision matters are reported and discussed.
Meetings of the Investment Committee, consisting of executive officers in charge of corporate planning and finance, and other executive officers and general managers appointed by the president & CEO, are held periodically to deliberate on basic plans and important initiatives for maximizing investment effects, while taking the Company’s investment capacity into consideration. The committee also monitors past investment effects and considers the termination or cessation of such investments.
From April 2016, we introduced the Unit Supervisory System and established unit supervising executive officers to further improve the efficiency of and reinforce the system for business execution.
Under the Unit Supervisory System, which falls under the direction of the president & CEO, as a head of business execution, seven unit supervising executive officers who control and supervise multiple business departments or administration departments have been placed. Under the control of each unit supervising executive officer, responsible executive officers and executive officers in charge of each department have been placed. Each unit is as follows.
• Dry Bulk Carriers Unit
• Energy Transportation Business Unit
• Product Logistics Business Unit (Car Carriers)
• Product Logistics Business Unit (Logistics, Port, Short Sea and Coastal Business and Affiliated Business)
• Containerships Business Unit
•CFO Unit (Corporate Planning, Research, Finance, Accounting, Taxation, Corporate Sustainability, Environment Management, IR and Communication)
• General Affairs, Human Resources, Legal, Corporate Legal Risk & Compliance Unit
• Marine Sector Unit
• Advanced Technology, Ship Technical, GHG Reduction Strategy Unit
•Digitalization Strategy Unit
The Company has established the following procedures with respect to related party transactions, and finds that management is capable of supervising such transactions based on such procedures.
(1) The Regulations on Decision-Making Standards stipulate that the Company is to refer matters to be addressed by and seek prior approval from the Board of Directors with respect to certain matters irrespective of monetary amount, such as: transactions with major shareholders whose holdings account for more than 10% of the Company’s voting rights or transactions between the Company and its directors; transactions conducted by a director with the Company for a third party; transactions involving a conflict of interest; and debt guarantees of directors made by the Company. The Regulations on Decision-Making Standards also stipulate that key developments must be reported to the Board of Directors subsequent to having carried out a transaction. As such, the Board of Directors supervises appropriateness of transactions.
(2) The Company shall treat all of its shareholders impartially, and accordingly must not make special considerations for specific shareholders.
(3) The Company shall determine the presence or absence of related-party transactions upon submission of confirmation documents for all of the Company’s officers each fiscal term, and shall furthermore verify transaction details if related-party transactions have taken place.
The Board of Directors carefully and comprehensively examines cross-shareholdings of listed shares from its independent and objective standpoint at least once per year to verify the purpose, the necessity in business activities, the mid- to long-term economic rationale based on the capital cost, and appropriateness of individual holdings. In examining economic rationale, The Board will consider reducing shares that are deemed not to be reasonable to continue holding. The Company has been reducing cross-shareholdings, and as of March 31, 2024, the number of cross-shareholdings of listed shares was three.

Specified investment shares
Issues | Fiscal 2023 | Fiscal 2022 | Purpose of holding, quantitative effect of holding, and reason for increase in number of shares | Holds “K” LINE shares |
Shares | Shares | |||
Balance sheet amount (millions of yen) |
Balance sheet amount (millions of yen) |
JFE Holdings, Inc. |
5,062,170 | 5,062,170 | As JFE Holdings is a major customer in the Dry Bulk segment, “K” LINE continues to hold shares in JFE Holdings to sustain and enhance a longterm positive business relationship with this company. | No |
12,857 | 8,499 | |||
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI) | 1,001,699 | 1,001,699 | As KHI is a collaborator in the field of advanced technologies and in “K” LINE’s initiatives at decarbonization and efforts to improve safety and quality, such as through field experiments with liquefied hydrogen carriers, “K” LINE continues to hold KHI shares to sustain and enhance a long-term m positive business relationship with this company. | Yes |
5,105 | 2,898 | |||
Kamigumi Co., Ltd. |
118,404 | 118,404 | As Kamigumi Co., Ltd. is a customer and collaborator in the Product Logistics segment through the co-establishment of a holding company and other factors, “K” LINE continues to hold Kamigumi shares to sustain and enhance a long-term positive business relationship with this company. | Yse |
397 | 329 |
1. If the holder of “K” LINE shares is a holding company, the number of shares held by major subsidiaries (number of shares actually held) is indicated.
2. As it is difficult to quantify the effect of shareholdings, the method used to verify the rationale behind said holdings is described. The “K” LINE Board of Directors verifies the appropriateness of individual holdings on a fiscal year-end basis.
When exercising the voting rights as to the Cross-Shareholdings, the Company shall fully examine whether or not the relevant propositions would contribute to the enhancement of the Company’s corporate value, hold dialogues with issuing entities as needed, and shall determine whether it would vote for or against the said propositions.
The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing the internal control system, evaluating its effectiveness, and ensuring that it functions properly. In addition, through monitoring and verifying the status of the internal control system, the Internal Audit Group plays a role in supporting the Board of Directors in carrying out its responsibilities for the development, maintenance, and enhancement of the internal control system. Audit & Supervisory Board members oversee the processes by which directors establish the internal control system and confirm that it is functioning effectively. Further, while respecting the autonomy of each of the Group companies, “K” LINE supports and supervises the establishment and effective management of internal control systems within each of these Group companies to ensure that activities conducted across all Group companies are appropriate.
To ensure proper business operations of “K” LINE Group companies, we have established the Charter of Conduct for “K” LINE Group Companies as a keystone for both corporate governance and compliance of the entire Group. Based on this Charter, each Group company has established its own Implementation Guideline for the Charter of Conduct.
Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
Item |
Amount |
(1) Amount of remuneration to be paid to the accounting auditor by the Company |
¥99 million |
(2) Total amount of money and other financial benefits to be paid to the accounting auditor by the Company and its subsidiaries |
¥158 million |
Note: The audit contract between the Company and the accounting auditor does not classify the remuneration amounts separately for audits pursuant to the Companies Act and for audits pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, partially given the impracticality of deriving such classifications. Therefore, the amount listed in 1) is not classified in this way. Of the Company’s principal subsidiaries, etc., accounting auditors other than the accounting auditor of the Company audit documents relating to accounts of “K” LINE BULK SHIPPING (UK) LIMITED, “K” LINE LNG SHIPPING (UK) LIMITED, “K” LINE PTE LTD., and OCEAN NETWORK EXPRESS PTE. LTD
The Audit & Supervisory Board obtained necessary materials and received reports from directors, the related internal departments, and the accounting auditor, and after conducting the necessary verification and deliberations on whether the content of audit plans conducted by the accounting auditor, the execution status of the accounting auditor’s duty, and the basis for calculation of estimates for their remuneration, etc., are appropriate, the Board gave the consent provided for in Article 399, Paragraph 1, of the Companies Act.
The Company paid to the Accounting Auditor a consideration for the preparation of comfort letters in issuing corporate bonds.
If deemed necessary by the Audit & Supervisory Board in cases such as where an accounting auditor has difficulty in the execution of their duties, the Audit & Supervisory Board shall determine the content of a proposition regarding the dismissal or non-reappointment of the accounting auditor to be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders. If circumstances involving an accounting auditor are deemed to fall under any of the items of Article 340, Paragraph 1, of the Companies Act, the accounting auditor shall be dismissed subject to unanimous approval by the Audit & Supervisory Board. In any such case, an Audit & Supervisory Board member designated by the Audit & Supervisory Board shall report the dismissal of the accounting auditor and the grounds for dismissal at the first General Meeting of Shareholders to be convened after the dismissal.
The internal audit of “K” LINE is carried out by the Internal Audit Group, which has nine full-time employees. They audit the execution of duties for “K” LINE and the “K” LINE Group, in terms of internal control, such as enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, improving the trustworthiness of financial information, and ensuring compliance. Audit & Supervisory Board members, the Audit & Supervisory Board, and the Internal Audit Group regularly and irregularly exchange information regarding details of audits and auditing firms that act as accounting auditors. They maintain close contact and exchange opinions regarding the results of the audit, the status of internal control as understood by the auditing firm, and risk evaluations.The Internal Audit Group periodically provides audit reports to the president & CEO and Audit & Supervisory Board members.
Field |
Item |
Breakdown |
Unit |
Fiscal year |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Governance |
Board of Directors |
Number of directors |
Persons |
10 |
9 |
9 |
Men |
Persons |
9 |
8 |
8 |
Women |
Persons |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Ratio of women |
% |
10 |
11 |
11 |
Number of outside directors |
Persons |
4 |
4 |
5 |
Ratio of outside directors |
% |
40 |
44 |
56 |
Average age of directors |
Years |
62.3 |
62.0 |
61.2 |
Age of youngest director |
Years |
44 |
45 |
43 |
Age of oldest director |
Years |
73 |
74 |
75 |
Number of meetings held |
Times |
18 |
19 |
19 |
Average attendance ratio |
% |
100 |
99 |
100 |
Audit & Supervisory Board |
Number of members |
Persons |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Men |
Persons |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Women |
Persons |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Ratio of women |
% |
25 |
25 |
25 |
Number of outside members |
Persons |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Ratio of outside members |
% |
50 |
50 |
50 |
Number of meetings held |
Times |
16 |
15 |
14 |
Nomination Advisory Committee |
Number of members |
Persons |
4 |
4 |
5 |
Number of outside members |
Persons |
3 |
3 |
4 |
Ratio of outside members |
% |
75 |
75 |
80 |
Number of meetings held |
Times |
8 |
14 |
9 |
Remuneration Advisory Committee |
Number of members |
Persons |
4 |
4 |
5 |
Number of outside members |
Persons |
3 |
3 |
4 |
Ratio of outside members |
% |
75 |
75 |
80 |
Number of meetings held |
Times |
6 |
9 |
3 |
Remuneration |
Total remuneration paid to directors (number of payees)※ |
¥ million (persons) |
340(10) |
906(10) |
732(11) |
Total remuneration paid to Audit & Supervisory Board members (number of payees)※ |
¥ million (persons) |
81(5) |
80(4) |
80(5) |
※ Total remuneration paid (number of payees) includes directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members who have resigned during the fiscal year (at the general meeting of shareholders).
Title |
Name |
Gender |
Independence |
Tenure (years) |
Board meeting attendance rate (FY2022) |
Executive officer |
Nomination Advisory Committee member |
Remuneration Advisory Committee member |
Important concurrent positions |
Board of Directors |
Representative Director, President & CEO |
Yukikazu Myochin |
Male |
No |
8 |
100% |
○ |
○ |
○ |
Yes |
Representative Director |
Kazuhiko Harigai |
Male |
No |
5 |
100% |
○ |
Director |
Noriaki Yamaga |
Male |
No |
ー |
ー |
○ |
Outside Director |
Keiji Yamada |
Male |
Yes |
5 |
100% |
○ |
○ |
Yes |
Outside Director |
Ryuhei Uchida |
Male |
No |
5 |
100% |
Yes |
Outside Director |
Koji Kotaka |
Male |
Yes |
1 |
100% |
○ |
○ |
Yes |
Outside Director |
Hiroyuki Maki |
Male |
Yes |
1 |
100% |
○ |
○ |
Yes |
Outside Director |
Takako Masai |
Female |
Yes |
ー |
ー |
○ |
○ |
Yes |
Audit & Supervisory Board |
Audit & Supervisory Board Member |
Kunihiko Arai |
Male |
No |
5 |
100% |
Audit & Supervisory Board Member |
Makoto Arai |
Male |
No |
1 |
100% |
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member |
Atsumi Harasawa |
Female |
Yes |
5 |
100% |
Yes |
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member |
Shinsuke Kubo |
Male |
Yes |
4 |
95% |
Yes |