Sustainability Top Message

Yukikazu Myochin
President and CEO
Yukikazu Myochin
President and CEO

As a logistics company rooted in the shipping industry, we help make the lives of people more affluent – this is the "K" Line Group's corporate principle. As a partner trusted by all our  stakeholders, we aim for sustainable growth and greater corporate value by supporting the infrastructure of the global community.


To fulfill our mission as a shipping infrastructure provider that will continue to support the global economy and people's lives into the future, we must emphasize environmental, social, and economic sustainability in our corporate management. Sustainable growth of our business in a rapidly changing circumstances requires us to adopt management strategies that enable us to respond flexibly to various needs. These include not only changing customer needs, but also the needs of nations and the global community, especially for the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and measures to mitigate climate change.


Contributing to the global environment and a sustainable society is one of the Group's core values, and we are working to demonstrate that. In the area of “Environmental”, we updated our long-term environmental plan -- “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 “Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow” -- in November 2021 to announce that we are taking on the challenge of raising our target to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. In the area of “Social”, we established the "K" Line Group Basic Policy on Human Rights in March 2022 so as to respond to the international trend of increasing importance of respect for human rights. Under the policy, “K” LINE Group shall promote its business taking into account the human rights of those concerned with its business activities. In the area of “Governance”, we periodically conduct the evaluation of the effectiveness of our Board of Directors and are making continual improvements toward the realization of an even more effective governing body, aiming for sustainable growth along with medium and long-term improvement of our corporate value.


Going forward, "K" Line will continue to pursue conservation of the global environment while helping to realize a sustainable society through proactive sustainability efforts. We will also remain steadfast in our pursuit of growth opportunities and greater corporate value. Your continued support for the "K" Line Group is greatly appreciated.

Yukikazu Myochin

President & CEO