BDI:Baltic Exchange Dry Index

Period: Last 10 years





BCI:Baltic Exchange Capesize Index

BPI:Baltic Exchange Panamax Index

BSI:Baltic Exchange Supramax Index

BHSI:Baltic Exchange Handysize Index

Period: Last 10 years


*1. For BCI, “5TC” figures are used.

*2. For BSI, “10TC” figures are used from February 2019. Prior to then, “6TC” figures are used. 

*3. For BHSI, “7TC” figures are used from July 2022. Prior to then, “6TC” figures are used. 




Period: Last 3 years

Source:Database of National Bureau of Statistics of China and China Customs Statistics

For the crude steel production from 2021 to 2024, the data for January and February with the Chinese New Year is indicated as the February single month.




Period: Last 3 years

Source:Database of China Customs Statistics






 ※ VLCC:Middle East - Japan

 ※ Aframax:South East Asia - Japan

Period: Last 10 years

Source:Clarksons(VLCC), Refinitiv(Aframax)

Period: Last 3 years





SCFI:Shanghai Shipping Exchange Index

Period:Last 10 years





Period:Last 3 years

Source:Japan Maritime Center / Piers




Period:Last 3 years

Source:Japan Maritime Center / CTS




Period:Last 5 years





Period: Last 5 years
