The analysts who have issued the report on “K” LINE or on the shipping industry are listed below.
If you click each company name, you can visit HP of the company.

As of September, 2024

(in alphabetical order)

(titles omitted)

Daiwa Securities Co.Ltd.

Masayoshi Yonezawa

Jefferies Securities

Andrew Lee / Thanh Ha Pham

Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.

Katsuhiko Suzuki


Masaharu Hirokane

This list is provided for the purpose of disseminating information required to introduce corporate business research companies or research analysts to our investors, and is not intended to be used for the purpose of promoting our stock sales. In addition, KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. does not support any these analysts' prospects, opinions, or recommendations and does not guarantee the consistency of any related information.


Please note that there may be other analysts who we are not aware of and who therefore are not included on this list. Also, our information may be incomplete or may not include changes such as analysts who have been transferred, etc.


Analysts included or not included on this list have conducted research on our business and have analyzed our business results based on their own judgment.  KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. or  KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. 's management directors are not involved in any of these procedures or matters.


KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. does not endorse or support the estimates, opinions and recommendations of the analysts listed here, nor does the company guarantee their accuracy.


Final investment decisions should be made at your discretion at the time of the actual investment.