“K” LINE's Ship Technical Group carries out functions relating to the construction of new ships by shipyards where orders have been placed. Specifically, its duties start with the evaluation of new ship specifications submitted by the internal Sales Department and include preparing construction specifications that incorporate “K” LINE's one-of-a-kind specifications, checking drawings and other material submitted by the shipyard, managing construction processes of ships under construction, on-site supervision and quality management.
To clarify work flows involved in new ship construction operations, facilitate the division of labor and spread awareness among Ship Technical Group personnel of new ship construction policies that reflect “K” Line ideas, we established our Quality Management System (QMS) based on the ISO 9001 international standard for quality management systems and acquired certification in 2008 from DNV-GL that provides ship classification services.
Our Quality Management System is based on the ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems and, as required by that standard, incorporates a PDCA cycle (for continuous improvement of operations through repetition of four stages: Plan, Do, Check, and Act). The evaluation of specifications and preparation of construction specifications included in the Ship Technical Group's responsibilities mentioned above fall under "Plan." Checking drawings, managing construction processes of ships under construction, on-site supervision and quality management are part of "Do."
After construction of a ship is completed, the Technical Group confirms that its speed is in accordance with the specifications, investigates the causes of any problems, and conducts ongoing questionnaire and interview surveys of internal Sales Department personnel to assess customers' evaluation of new ships and make comprehensive improvements. These actions fall under "Check" and "Act."
By continuing to steadily implement the PDCA cycle within our Quality Management System, we will improve the quality of new ships and pursue cost-effective performance, and will also develop new ships with reduced global environmental impact through investigating new and environmentally-friendly technologies and techniques and proposing them to customers.