August 19, 2009
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
"Social and Environmental Report 2009"
"K" Line Group has issued its "Social and Environmental Report 2009" in English and Japanese.
The report addresses the "K" Line Group's CSR activities and environmental preservation programs such as the reduction of CO2 emissions. It also includes two special features, i.e. our 90-year history and our activities to achieve safety in navigation and cargo operations, environmental preservation and economically efficient operations.
We are hopeful that you will be interested in our CSR activities and environmental preservation programs that are presented in this report.
The report is found on our website (
). Printed copy is also available and can be ordered through our website.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would provide us with feedback through our website or, for printed copy, by filling out the questionnaire enclosed therein, as this will help us to improve our CSR and environmental preservation activities and also our future reports.