June 16, 2015
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
“K” Line Honors First “K” Line Group Recipients with Environmental Awards
On June 15, “K” Line honored first “K” Line Group recipients with its Environmental Award.
Under the direction of ““K” Line Environmental Vision 2050,” as our long-term environmental management vision toward 2050, we founded “K” Line Group Environmental Award in order to recognize group-wide efforts for environmental conservation and biological diversity to assure sustainable operations for all executives and employees of both “K” Line and “K” Line Group.
As a result of the wide range of participation by the national and international in-house divisions and the group companies, there were many applicants. Activities that were judged as the finalists and who were selected as recipients in the first awards ceremony are as summarized below.
Special Excellence Award
・Company Sustainability Report (“K” Line (Nederland) B.V.)
(Outline) “K” Line (Nederland) B.V. issued its own Sustainability Report that gives clear and detailed information about their environmental preservation efforts and activities.
Special Awards
・White Sand Beach - Lembeh Island - Beach cleaning (LNG Carrier Tangguh Palung)
(Outline) The ship’s officers and crew are involved in volunteer activities for beach cleaning on Lembeh Island in Indonesia while the ship is anchored at the harbor.
・Voluntary cleaning activities around container terminals, warehouses and offices(Nitto Total Logistics Ltd)
(Outline) Voluntary cleaning up activities are being done in collaboration with partner companies at lunch time and before office opening hour. So far the activities have been carried out 48 times with participation of 600 people in total.
・Participating Ecocap recycling movement (Daito Corporation )
(Outline) They have been continuously implementing this program from 2009, collecting PET bottle caps in their offices in order to contribute to resources recycling, as well as sending infection vaccines to developing countries from the profit earned in selling the caps.
・Promotion of Eco-drive by digital tachographs (NAIGAIRIKUUN Co., Ltd. )
(Outline) They introduced online digital tachographs to their trucks, allowing them to know the operation status in real time, and achieve reduction in fuel consumption.
・Realization of energy saving by new second warehouse of BANGKOK COLD STORAGE SERVICE, LTD. (K Line (Thailand) Ltd.)
(Outline) They largely reduced electric power consumption by use of renewable energy and introduction of innovative energy-saving technology in their newly-constructed refrigerated warehouse.
The “K” Line Group is positively committed to continuous engagement in worldwide environmental conservation and contributing to marine and global environmental protection in order to hand on this blue and beautiful ocean to the next generation, set up in “K” Line Environmental Vision 2050” with the goal of achieving consistent growth and corporate value improvement that are incorporated as part of the “K” Line Group’s new medium-term management plan ““K” LINE Value for our Next Century.”