October 14, 2016
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
"K" Line Enhances Northern Vietnam RORO Services
KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. ("K" Line) is pleased to announce our latest enhancement of our Asia/Vietnam RORO services which have been established and continued since 2012. In order to accommodate increased demand for RORO transportation to Vietnam, we have enhanced the service quality for North Vietnam port with high-frequency, fixed day and direct calling from all Asian ports. We will keep offering a solid RORO service to Vietnam by utilizing our business expertise and know-how which we have acquired thorough our long experience since the service began.
Details of the service are as follows:-
【Asia/Vietnam Line: Trunk Line Express Service】
Port Rotation:
・Jakarta (Sun)– Singapore (Tue)- Port Kelang (Thu) – Laem Chabang (Sun)– Ho Chi Minh (Tue)– Haiphong (Sat)
*Singapore and Laem Chabang are the transshipment ports for the shipments from another loading port among above port rotation.
・Vessel Deployment: 4000RT Type Vessel “JASA BAKTI” and 1 additional Vessel
・Service Frequency: 2sailings/Month
・Commencement Date: October 16, 2016 ETA Laem Chabang
・Enhanced points:
1.Changed Northern Discharging port from Cai Lan to Haiphong
⇒Near : The port location being more than 60km closer to the capital city, Hanoi.
⇒Large: The total yard capacity will be ample to accept incoming CBU waves expected in the future.
⇒Sure : Since Haiphong port newly set up a dedicated RORO terminal (Tan Vu) for this new service
and our vessels will have priority berthing privileges , we believe we can bring safer and
more reliable services.
2.Additional frequency for Northern Vietnam (1sailing ⇒ 2sailings)
This will fulfill higher requirements from our esteemed customers.
3.Direct connection through all Asian loading ports to Northern Vietnam
In order to offer variety of options for our valuable customers who would be considering next step in Asia, we trust the direct connection for all possible loading ports is the most effective solution.