November 26, 2014

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.


“K” Line Pure Car Carrier Cooperates in Rescue of 4 Crewmen from Yacht
with Rudder Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean



On November 13, 2014, “K” Line PCC vessel “MICHIGAN HIGHWAY” was requested by MRCC Delgada (*)  to rescue the yacht “Hunter” that had sent distress signal in the Atlantic Ocean. In compliance with the request, “MICHIGAN HIGHWAY” immediately headed for the position and successfully rescued 4 crewmen in good health without any injuries. All those who were rescued safely disembarked at Livorno port in Italy on November 20.


(*) MRCC Delgada : Maritime Rescue Coordination Center Delgada

4 crewmen on the yacht “Hunter” waiting for rescue of “MICHIGAN HIGHWAY”


Master:               Capt. Ognyan Stanakiev Nikolov
Flag:                   Panama
Crew:                 23 (Bulgarian, Filipino)
Gross Tonnage:   56,951 tons
Type of Vessel:    Pure Car Carrier