August 13, 2010
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
"Social and Environmental Report 2010"
"K" Line Group has issued its "Social and Environmental Report 2010" in English and Japanese.
The purpose of this report is to describe to our stakeholders in clear terms the initiatives undertaken by the "K" Line Group. These initiatives are based on the Group's corporate principles, and include efforts to fulfill its corporate social responsibility (CSR), ensure safe navigation and cargo operations, and protect the environment.
In the 2010 edition, we recognized that activities for ensuring safe navigation and cargo operations are important CSR activities since they are linked to the maintenance of international logistics infrastructure and, of course, to environmental preservation. Based on this recognition, we expanded our coverage of navigation and cargo operation safety as essential elements of the mission of a shipping business. The feature articles, i.e. "Initiatives for a Working Infrastructure" and "Developing a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)," highlight the importance of the maintenance of international logistics infrastructure which is essential for people's lives and industrial activities.
The report as well as information not covered in the report are found on our website (
). We hope that this report will help you to understand "K" Line Group.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would provide us with feedback through our website or with printed copy by filling out the questionnaire enclosed therein, as this will help us to improve our CSR and environmental preservation activities and also our future reports.