September 24, 2014
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Publication of the “K” LINE REPORT 2014
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) is pleased to announce the publication of “K” LINE REPORT 2014. For the first time ever, this year’s report combines the Annual Report with the Social and Environmental Report, which had been published separately until 2013, into a single, integrated report.
This report was created to provide all “K” Line stakeholders with a better understanding of the Group’s basic policies with regard to corporate activities and social responsibility; initiatives in environmental preservation and safety in navigation and cargo operation; and medium- to long-term vision.
The first of the two special features, “K” Line’s Growth Strategy, covers future-oriented initiatives, focusing on the Offshore Energy E&P Support Business as well as a newbuilding that will serve as a flagship for the Group’s environmental initiatives. The second feature, the “K” Line Group’s Management Base, presents initiatives related to three key management issues (namely, safety in navigation and cargo operation, environmental preservation, and human resource development) and includes the perspectives of stakeholders inside and outside the Group.
The “K” LINE REPORT 2014 is available on “K” Line’s website at