April 6, 2012
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
"K" LINE Continues to be Included in FTSE4Good Global Index
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" Line) continues to be a member company of the FTSE4Good Global Index, the leading SRI (*1) index calculated by FTSE Group (*2). This index is reviewed twice a year and "K" Line has been a consecutive member since 2003.
Global companies satisfying international standards for corporate environmental and social responsibility are selected as a members company of this Index.
"K" Line will continue to endeavor to meet its social responsibilities and to improve corporate value .
*1 SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) describes an investment strategy which takes account of social, ethical and environmental factors as well as financial performance.
*2 FTSE Group is an independent company jointly owned by The Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange and a world-leader in the creation, management and other related business of indices for investors.