une 2, 2017
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
“K” Line Again Re-Selected for Inclusion in the
ETHIBEL EXCELLENCE Investment Register
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. was once again re-selected for inclusion in the ETHIBEL EXCELLENCE Investment Register investment universe (*) operated by the Forum ETHIBEL, an organization in Belgium that promotes socially responsible investments (
This investment universe consists of 350 companies fulfilling their social responsibility and demonstrating a higher than usual level of performance, of which 41 companies are Japanese. An assessment was implemented in each field of human rights, human resources, environment, business behavior, governance and community involvement in the selection and our initiatives in these fields were highly regarded.
(*) Investment universe: Stocks that are candidates for fund investments.
We have raised ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) as one of the important initiatives in our medium-term management plan, “Revival for Greater Strides” for three years from April 2017 toward our 100th Anniversary in 2019, which was announced on April 28, 2017. We will continue striving to fulfill our social responsibility through ESG initiatives and contribute to sustainable progress of the society.