August 30, 2013

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.


Publication of the “Social and Environmental Report 2013” (English Edition)



Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) is pleased to announce the publication of “Social and Environmental Report 2013” (English edition), which has been issued to provide all stakeholders of “K” Line with comprehensive information about its CSR initiatives in both social and environmental aspects.

“K” Line has been publishing this report since 2002, and in 2013 edition, it focuses on CSR initiatives at each stage of the ship’s life cycle, from ship construction to dismantling and recycling as well as initiatives taken toward 4 key issues of the “K” Line Group i.e. safety in navigation and cargo operations, environmental preservation, human resource development, and dialogue with stakeholders, with columns by internal and outside stakeholders.

“K” Line hopes this report will help readers’ better understanding on business activities of “K” Line Group in line with social and environmental perspectives.

“K” Line also provides information not covered in the report on its website (