September 18, 2015

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.


Publication of the “K” LINE REPORT 2015



Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) is pleased to announce the publication of “K” LINE REPORT 2015. As of 2014, this single integrated report combines the Annual Report and the Social & Environmental Report, which had been published separately until 2013.


The purpose of the report is to provide all “K” Line stakeholders with a better understanding of the Group’s basic policies and activities for improving our corporate values as well as providing both financial and non-financial information.


This time, following 2 feature articles are written as highlights of our activities in 2015;


Article 1: New Medium-Term Management Plan – “K” LINE Value for our Next Century
Article 2: “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050


The “K” LINE REPORT 2015 is available on “K” Line’s website at