January 7, 2025
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) sets every November as Compliance Month and conducts many different initiatives related to compliance during the month. In connection with Compliance Month in the current fiscal year, “K” LINE implemented the four initiatives below over two months, November and December.
1. Message from the President
“K” LINE distributed a video message from the President to officers and employees to enable them to have a renewed awareness of the importance of compliance through a direct call from the top management.
2. Compliance seminar
“K” LINE distributed videos of seminars by its legal advisors who lectured on competition laws, the prevention of corruption and harassment. They provided officers and employees with opportunities to think about compliance as an issue that matters to them.
3. Compliance awareness survey
“K” LINE conducted a compliance awareness survey of its officers and employees to understand their awareness of compliance and to broadly collect comments and requests from them. “K” LINE will incorporate this feedback and its officers and employees’ wishes into its future initiatives related to compliance.
4. Compliance slogan
“K” LINE invited officers and employees to suggest compliance slogans, aiming to improve their awareness of compliance, and recognized outstanding submissions.
“K” LINE seeks to achieve continued growth and to enhance value by supporting the infrastructure of the global community as a partner trusted by all of its stakeholders. To continue to be trusted by society and to continue its business activities in a sound manner, compliance is essential for companies. The “K” LINE Group will continue to work as one to always remain trusted and selected by customers and other stakeholders.
Related webpage
“K” LINE carries out many different compliance initiatives throughout the year, not just during Compliance Month. It showcases these initiatives on a dedicated webpage.