March 3, 2023
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) is pleased to announce publication of ESG DATA BOOK 2022.
ESG DATA BOOK 2022 has been issued to systematically summarize policies, systems,
specific initiatives and relevant data related to “K” LINE Group’s environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) aspects. It has been published as a tool for dispatch of information to, and for communication with, stakeholders who are interested in the Group's ESG initiatives since FY2021.

Recently “K” LINE has reviewed its materiality (important sustainability issues). At the beginning of ESG DATA BOOK 2022, we have set special pages to explain the details of the newly identified materiality, containing the result of Stakeholder Dialogue with external experts conducted in the review process.
In addition, the book features new items such as Innovation and Digital Transformation to further enhance the contents.
ESG DATA BOOK 2022 can be found on our website.
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