March 1, 2022
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.

 Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) has established “K” LINE Group Basic Policy on Human Rights (the Policy), based on the United Nations Guiding Principle on Business and Human Rights*. 


 The Policy has been established as more specific guidelines for respecting Human Rights, which is upheld in the Charter of Conduct of the “K” LINE Group Companies, standards of behavior for the entire Group. The Policy sets out that the Group shall respect and comply with international norms and laws related to respect for human rights, as well as conduct Human Rights Due Diligence. 


 As an integrated logistics company grown from shipping business, “K” LINE Group conducts its business activities with the support of many people. Recognizing the international trend of increasing importance of respect for human rights, “K” LINE Group will promote its business taking into account the human rights of those concerned with its business activities, so as to continue to be a company group trusted by society.


(*)United Nations Guiding Principle on Business and Human Rights:
A document endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011 that stipulates respect for human rights in corporate activities. The principle encourages efforts to protect and respect human rights, containing 3 pillars: 1. The State Duty to Protect, 2. The Corporate Responsibility to Respect, and 3. Access to Remedy. 


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