April 15, 2019
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “K” Line) being highly regarded for its various environmental conservation measures beginning with construction and operation of the eco-flagship, “Drive Green Highway” completed in 2016 (Note 1), has received the Panama Green Shipping Award 2019 at the opening ceremony in “Panama Maritime XIV (the 14th) World Conference and Exhibition” (Note 2) on March 17, 2019.
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- (The person in the middle is Mr. Shimogaki, V.P. from “K” Line Mexico who participated in the awards ceremony as representative of the entire “K” Line group. Person at the extreme right of the picture is Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary General of IMO, International Maritime Organization.)
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- (Picture: Vice President Shimogaki from “K” Line Mexico making speech upon receiving the award. The screen behind is our eco-flagship, “Drive Green Highway”.)
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- (Picture: trophy)
In our Medium-term Management Plan, we define ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) initiatives as a key management issue. With respect for the environment, we are pursuing measures in line with "K" LINE Environmental Vision 2050 - Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow (Note 3) that is our long-term environmental vision formulated in 2015. We are honored and proud of the various activities being highly evaluated in connection with our 2015 vision.
As an environmental front runner, we will continue to aim for the realization of being a business that enables a greater number of people around the world to enjoy the advantage of marine transportation characterized by a lower environmental load and higher efficiency.
(Note 1) “Drive Green Highway” : Please refer to link below.
(Note 2) “Panama Maritime XIV (the 14th) World Conference and Exhibition”, big international marine conference and exhibition that has been held every two years in Panama City since 1991, this being 14th year (held from March 17-20).
Organizers are “The Maritime Chamber of Panama” and “The Panamanian Maritime Law Association (APADEMAR).”
Supported by other marine organizations, including “Panama Maritime Authority” and “Panama Canal Authority,” the Organizers Committee awards groups and individuals that have made excellent achievements in the maritime field.
Please refer to below links of Panama Maritime World Conference and Exhibition.
(Note 3) "K" LINE Environmental Vision 2050 : Please refer to link below.