October 22, 2018
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
On October 18, at the company’s training center “K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines (KLMA(Phil)) in Pasay City, Philippines, the 25th Anniversary of the training facility as well as the completion of the renovation work of the training center were celebrated with a ceremony that welcomed the attendance of many successive local staff, including guests from affiliated companies who have been supporting our seafarers’ development activities for many years.
Our efforts to nurture seafarers in the Philippines began with the establishment of "K" Line Maritime Training Corporation (KMTC) in 1993. In February 2008, KMTC subsequently transferred its maritime training facility in Manila to a new location of “K” Line Maritime Academy Philippines (KLMA(Phil)) in the city of Pasay. As one of the major pillars to support our company’s business foundation, “safe ship operation and environmental conservation,” we have been and will continue striving to secure and nurture excellent seafarers.
On March 2 this year, a new building “OCEAN BREEZE,” with a seafarers' clinic that has the latest medical equipment and lodging facilities that can accommodate 225 people, opened adjacent to the training center. Also, on July 31, the renovation work of the training center itself with the most advanced training equipment was completed and we have achieved the capability to now accept a total of 10,000 students per year.
“K” Line will celebrate its 100th Anniversary next year. In the future, we will continue to develop and train stable and well-qualified seafarers for the next 100 years by constantly developing an even higher level of quality trainings in line with the times, always aiming to further strengthen our company’s safe operations.