May 17, 2018
We are pleased to advise that “K” LINE and some of its group companies recently acquired a “Statement of Conformity¹ ” for our environmental system, “DRIVE GREEN NETWORK,” (hereinafter referred to as “DGN”) for pushing forward group-wide environmental management in consequence of a conformity audit by a third-party institution (DNV-GL²).
“DGN” was started in June 2017³ for continually improving environmental preservation activities while promoting the PDCA cycle function and ensuring environmental compliance throughout the entire “K” LINE Group. We strive for realization of a sustainable society as an entire group through individual efforts of each company in identifying and addressing environmental issues in their daily operations.
“DGN” had been introduced to the entire “K” LINE Group in three phases, and the scope of application of the Statement of Conformity this time is for 15 companies (14 companies in Japan including “K” LINE and one overseas affiliate). In 2018, the year of Phase 2, “DGN” is intended for all remaining targeted companies in Japan and some overseas targeted companies; and in 2019, which marks the centennial of the foundation of the company, it will be introduced to all group companies including overseas affiliates.
The project name, “DRIVE GREEN NETWORK” is assigned in the hope of carrying out the ambition of “getting one step ahead toward the future” of DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY⁴, our next-generation eco-friendly flagship which was completed and entered service in 2016.
The “K” LINE Group is proceeding with environmental actions toward the goal which is set in our long-time environmental principle, “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 — Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow —⁵”. As an environmental front-runner, we continue to work to realize the business that enables more people around the world to enjoy lower-load and highly efficient maritime shipping.
1:DGN-GL: a company based in Oslo, Norway and mainly provides services such as various verifications, technical consultation, and vessel inspection in Japan.
2:Statement of Conformity: a certificate for stating that it was proved that the DGN activities addressed by all targeted companies are being implemented in accordance with the DGN manual
3:For details of [DGN” was started in June 2017], please see:
4:For details of DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY, please see:
For details of “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 — Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow —, please see: