March 26, 2024
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
On March 12th, 2024, Satoshi Kanamori (Managing Executive Officer of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.) took the stage at the 2024 Australia and Southeast Asia Forum on Carbon Capture and Storage to present “K” LINE’s initiatives regarding CCS business development.*¹
At the Forum, he presented the “K” LINE’s challenges on the technical development of liquified CO2 transportation in low-pressure conditions, the feasibility studies we are implementing together with our valuable customers and consortium members for the establishment of the CCS value chain in the Asia Pacific region, and our activities in the Northern Lights project, the world’s first full value chain CCS Project in Norway. The forum participants from various regions are engaged in lively discussions and the exchange of opinions regarding how to establish an entire CCS value chain in the Asia-Pacific region.
The “K” LINE group is pursuing a variety of initiatives to support low-carbon and carbon-free for both ourselves and society in accordance with its long-term environmental policy “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050. In the field of CCS, we are planning to participate in the world's first full-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) program. We will apply the knowledge we gain through the operation of these vessels*², which will be launched sequentially in Japan and overseas, in the development of future businesses, including this project, with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enhancing corporate value.
【The Picture of the Speech】

*¹ The HP of GCCSI
*² The webpage for press releases about “K” LINE’s activities concerning liquefied CO2 transportation: