October 25, 2017
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
“K” Line Awarded “Climate A List ”by CDP, an International Non-profit Organization
~Receives Top Assessment of “A Rank” for Second Consecutive Year~
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” Line) has been selected for the highest evaluation on the "Climate A List" at CDP’s debriefing session held in Tokyo on October 24th by CDP, the international non-profit organization (NGO) which carries out activities to achieve sustainable economies. The "Climate A List" is given to companies that have been identified as global leaders for their corporate response to combat climate change.
In response to the questionnaire sent from CDP on behalf of 803 institutional investors with assets of over US$100 trillion in total this year, among the companies that disclosed their own information relevant to climate change, 112 companies accounting for the top 5%, which were evaluated as particularly excellent in climate change measures such as emission reduction activities in the reporting year, have been awarded “CDP Climate A List,” including 13 Japanese companies.
In our Medium-term Management Plan, we define the ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) initiatives as a key management issue. With respect of the environment, we are pursuing measures in line with “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 - Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow" (Note 1) that is our long-term environmental vision formulated in 2015, with efforts such as the delivery of “DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY” (Note 2), next-generation environmentally-friendly flagship that was awarded “Ship of the Year 2016.” Achievement of our CO2 reduction targets ahead of schedule (Note 3), etc. have also brought fruit, and we have again been awarded the A list, being selected for the second consecutive year.
As an environmental front runner, we will continue to aim for the realization of being a business that enables a greater number of people around the world to enjoy the advantage of marine transportation characterized by a lower environmental load and higher efficiency.
Managing Executive Officer, Yukio Toriyama, speaking at the debriefing session.
(Note1) “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 – Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow:
Please refer to this link
(Note 2) “DRIVE GREEN HIGHWAY”: Please refer to this link
(Note 3) “The achievement of our CO2 emission reduction targets ahead of schedule”: Please refer to this link