24 August, 2020
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
On July 31 2020, the LNG fueled car carrier which is under construction at Tadotsu Shipyard Co.Ltd. (Imabari Shipbuilding Group) was launched safely.
Construction is currently on going with an estimated delivery within the 2020 fiscal year.
Watering for Launching
<Compliance with MARPOL (*) Annex VI NOx Tier III >
(*The International Convention for Prevention of Marine Pollution)
The main engine on this vessel is a dual-fuel diesel engine ME-GI with exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR) to apply with NOx Tier III.
Regulation of NOx Tier III requires 80% reduction of NOx against that of Tier I.
Auxiliary engines are also dual-fuel diesel engines which conform to NOx Tier III in gas mode. The auxiliary engine with a Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR) is designed to meet NOx tier III requirements even in diesel mode, offering flexibility in the choice of fuel.
November 28, 2019, Construction of Next-Generation Environmental-Friendly Car Carrier Fueled by LNG
May 20, 2020, Construction of Next-Generation Environmental-Friendly Car Carrier Fueled by LNG (2nd report) – Installed LNG fuel tank
※ “K” Line Group, as a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, is promoting activities that contribute to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and this project is a part of its ongoing activities.