May 9, 2022
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.


Based on the 2022 medium-term management plan, with the aim of providing high-quality and trusted ship management services and establish a customer-oriented support organization rooted in the region, and flexibly respond to diversifying needs, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. 
(“K” LINE) will strengthen our global functional strategy structures of marine technology organizations, human resources including ship management companies.


1.    Establishment of K MARINE SHIP MANAGEMENT PTE. LTD.
 K MARINE SHIP MANAGEMENT PTE. LTD. will be established in Singapore, and the management of oil tankers, LPG carriers and LNG carriers will be transferred from “K” Line Energy Ship Management Co., Ltd. by the end of September this year. 
 In addition, as one of the global bases that support the activities in Asia area of our business divisions from the forefront, we will accelerate efforts to decarbonize and introduce DX technology. 


【Outline of Company】

Company name





Shoji Fukuda

Type of Managing vessels

Tankers, LPG carriers,

LNG carriers and LNG bunkering vessels

Business lines

Ship management of oil tankers, LPG carriers

and LNG carriers, Marine technology support in Asia area

Date of establishment

January 31, 2022

Start of Business

October 1, 2022 (Plan)


751,000 Singapore Dollars

Share holder

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. 100%


2.    Establishment of “K” Line Marine Solutions Co., Ltd. (Tentative name) 
 “K” Line Marine Techno Service Co., Ltd., which serves maritime consulting business in the “K” LINE Group, will be renamed to “K” Line Marine Solutions Co., Ltd. (tentative name) on July 1, 2022. And our maritime technical functions scattered in the Safety and Ship Quality Management division and each business division will be consolidated into a new company to aim to be able to respond sensitively and flexibly to the needs of the times, such as maritime support for existing businesses, consulting services for new businesses which are required to strengthen our efforts across the company, and troubleshooting related to new technologies such as LNG/NH3 fuel engines, to the training of seafarers.


【Outline of Company】

Company name

“K” Line Marine Techno Services Co., Ltd.

Company name (new)

“K” Line Marine Solutions Co., Ltd.

Address of head office

1-1, Uchisaiwaicho 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

100-0011, Japan


Michinari Shimizu

Business lines

Consulting services for new businesses,

Marine technology support related to new technologies

Date of change name

July 1, 2022(Plan)


10 million Japanese Yen

Share holder

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. 100%


“K” LINE is working together with our group companies to continuously provide high-quality services based on safe operation, and to promote our own growth strategy and enhance our corporate value so that we can contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.